
Tony Bilby in Salzburg


Salzburg is one of my favorite cities, not only because of its rich history and timeless charm, but because members of my family come from region. The shadows cast at sunset by the mighty Alps, the ancient ring of cathedral bells that reach deep resonating into my soul, and the echoes of footsteps on stone walk ways whisper to my eternal Southern European spirit like nothing else.

Even today, my eighty-year-old cousin and his wife live in Salzburg, we come to visit every few years, and I’ve been doing so since I was a youngster. I can appreciate Brooke Saward’s article “How Salzburg Stole My Heart,”

as she talks about the Salzburg Dom Cathedral where my distant cousins were married and her reference to the “Sound of Music” that my two-year-old daughter and I watch from time-to-time.

Mozart’s birthplace is a must along with the Mirabellgardens as she discusses. Make sure to drive around the city and up the Alps on a beautiful clear day for unbelievable views along with a visit to the Eagles Nest.

salzburg catacombs

Salzburg Catacombs

I remember riding the unforgettable Hohensalzburg fortress funicular many times as a child. The fortress provides spectacular views and brings you back in time. St. Peter’s Monastery tour is time well spent, but try to wander off from the crowd if you can and visit the catacombs. The ancient catacombs housed some of the earliest Christian refugees; the stories are fascinating. The cemetery carries its own charm and history. Tucked in the middle is the tombstone of an American General. The General fell in love with an Austrian woman and Salzburg during WWII, where he later retired and was eventually buried.

Tony Bilby

Also, check out Brook Saward’s “World of Wanderlust Story:

Tips for Munich Travel

Munich is potentially the most beautiful metropolis in all of Germany. Boasting history stretching back over half a millennium while simultaneously showcasing innovative technology in the way of the famed BMW museum, this cosmopolitan paradise beckons hordes of tourists to experience its one-of-a-kind personality every year. Between countless facets of entertainment and the intriguing history prevalent on every street, there is honestly no place I’d rather be. It is for this reason I’ve decided to put together a quick and easy guide so that you may truly take full advantage of the city.

Take Public Transit

I know in America, this can often seem like a foreign (pun intended) concept unless you live in one of the major cities. But the fact is that the public transit here is precise, pristine and quite frankly, nearly perfect. Don’t waste your money on overly expensive cab/car services when a perfectly functional public transit system exists to cater to the city’s inhabitants’ comfort. Clean and on-time, I really can’t say enough, but you get the point.

Visit Museums

So much history beats as the lifeblood of the city, driving the metropolis’s perpetual ambition to improve, which is perhaps evident in the the fact that Munich is constantly on the brink of emerging and exciting technologies. That said, you should pay a visit to the BMW museum. Filled with the latest luxury models and boasting all sorts of technology, the museum actually necessitates two separate buildings in order to house everything it has to exhibit. One space is reserved for a more car-oriented theme while the other area is often used to showcase different artistic creations. By infusing culture and luxury with friendly customer service, the BMW museum has been one of the most enjoyable exhibitions I have ever witnessed.

Take advantage of the nightlife.

Munich nightlife is an absolute blast when you take into consideration the fact that the city is quite young (mean age of 29). This leads to a vivacious electricity that immerses the streets when the sun goes down, as laughs and smiles parade around town in palpable euphoria. This said, do be sure to check out the original Hofbrauhaus bar. This venue is literally over 400 years old and boasts a remarkable atmosphere that is simply unparalleled. Get to know the residents of Munich and mingle with other tourists doing the same as you as you sip some of the most delicious beer available in the country. Although the options are fairly limited ranging from the darker dunkel to a lighter option, there is still something for everyone; and even if you think there is nothing for you, just risk it and give it a chance. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

I hope this helps during your Germanic travels. Godspeed and Guten Tag!


Tony Bilby, Beer, Munich, Germany, Travel

Munich Beer

Also, check out this video by